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Challenge 2: Nature in our life

Students find out how important role for our health has contact with nature: plants and animals. They visit some parks, mountains nearby. They study pollution in the area and its influence on our life.

They can meet a local ecologist and study the problem in the area. They plant plants in the classroom (in school gardens, if there is).

Students found out how important role for our health has contact with nature: plants and animals. They made posters to promoting good behavoiur for our Planet. We put the ideas into an ebook. We hope others can follow their ideas.













Students visited some parks, mountains nearby to share with their project mates their ideas for active and healthy time in their area..








































Because of school closure caused by coronavirus students worked on padlet sharing engandered animals in our countries, and the most popular animals in our regions.

And students' work results:

Because of schools closure connected with coronavirus, students planted  spring plants at homes and in their gardens.

Students study the pollution problem in their area.

1. They measure the air pollution level using mobile apps. The results are put on a chosen tool and publish on Twinspace.

2. A meeting with local egologist is run. Photos and written interviews are published. Students can make a film with the interview as well.

On 4th March 2022 Polish students talked to town ecologist about pollution, recycling, water and about what the local government does to make cleaner our air, water and food.

A meeting with town ecologist.JPG

On 14th October 2020 thirty-three Portuguese students had the opportunity to participate in a session held by Professor Jorge Paiva, PHD in Natural Resources and Environment, researcher in the Faculty of Sciences - University of Coimbra. The session was addressed to 8th grade students (classes 8A and 8E) to discuss environmental issues - this session, untitled "Biodiversity and us"  was part of " To a Healthy lifestyle, step by step" eTwinning/Erasmus+ and Science Alive projects and gave the students the opportunity to listen to the sories and watch photos taken by Professor Jorge Paiva in amazing spots in our planet. At the end of the conference  Professor Jorge Paiva presented this sentence, so that we all can think about this serious issue and take action to protect our beautiful planet: 

"When the last tree has fallen down, when the last river has dried up, when the last fish has been caught, you will realise that we cannot eat money."

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