Mobility in Spain: 24-29 April 2022
On Monday the 25th we received our partners in the School Auditorium with a power point presentation of Socuéllamos, led by our students. Then they knew the school and started our walking tour to the town. Some group of Spanish students were explaning the main monuments and historical places. It was a big walk through the town.
We were received by the Mayor, in the Town Hall. She thanked the visit and explaind the main characteristics of Socuéllamos, its economy and our way of living.
In the afternoon they went to the indoor pool and had a great time practising sport. The day finished with dinner of the two international teams.
Tuesday 26th. Trip to Belmonte a close town about 30 minutes by bus, where they could enjoy a guided visit to the Castle of XVI century which has been restored. They also walked though the historical town. They also visited a cave, where our famous writer Miguel de Cervantes was prisoned and he started writing his master piece: D.Quixote.
When they came back to Socuéllamos they received a master class of judo, thanks to our colleague: David Gento, a national champion of this sport. They enjoyed the activity because it was a small introduction to it.
Continuing with the healthy week, on Wednesday they went to Ruidera Lakes , a long walk to know the natural park in which there are 13 lakes sorrounded by autoctons plants and animals. They visited the Interpretation centre to explain the lakes formation. The students brought their pack lunch and ate it in nature. A perfect activity according to our healthy Project.
Thursday began with the trip to Toledo , capital of our región Castilla-La Mancha. Amazing views in a historical city that was the capital of Spain. We were lucky about the weather, the forecast was rain, but fortunately we were on the bus when it started.
A guided woman explained perfectly some parts of the city and the walking tour ended with the zip-line, crossing the Taugus river. Exciting experience for all the students, who were delighted with this sport activity in an incomparable landscape.
All the students ended having lunch in a shopping centre of Toledo, with some free time to do shopping or looking for the perfect souvenir for their families. The day was perfect full of emotions and good vibes and feelings. Tired but happy.
On Friday students took part in a gymkana organized by the Physical Education department, organizing international teams and spending the morning playing traditional games.
The morning ended with a common lunch thanks to the families that brought typical food made at home. Traditional “manchega” food. Thanks to the teachers also that joined our Erasmus team.